Landlords, Get Ready – RentHelpMN

April 2, 2021

If you’re a landlord with tenants who are behind on their rent, RentHelpMN may be able to help them get caught up on owed rent and utilities.

Landlords are able to assist the renters by:

  • providing the RentHelpMN ‘Renters, Get Ready’ document for those who are behind on their rent;
  • meeting with tenants to discuss the program and ensure they know they can request three months of future rent, in addition to assistance with missed payments;
  • providing a copy of the lease;
  • providing a ledger or rent due statement broken down by month;
  • providing a copy of eligibility determination letter dated January 1, 2020 or later, if tenant is income-qualified for affordable housing or low-income assistance;
  • providing tenants with business name and address you will use for payment information;
  • preparing documentation for tenants: W9 for the property owner & direct deposit / ACH payment information and a copy of cancelled check.

RentHelpMN is accepting online applications NOW. Please check or call 211 for updated information or watch the YouTube session below.