Helping people.
      Changing lives.

Partnering to build community and empower people in West Central Minnesota to overcome poverty and achieve their full potential.

Helping people. Changing lives.

Partnering to build community and empower people in West Central Minnesota to overcome poverty and achieve their full potential.

The Community Action Promise

WCMCA, Inc., will be closed on Monday, February 17, in observance of the federal Presidents Day holiday. If you have an energy emergency, including running out of fuel, on Monday, February 17, please call your local Sheriff's Department. Thank you.

West Central Minnesota Communities Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.

How We Help

Energy Programs

Helping eligible households maintain affordable, continuous and safe home energy through bill payment assistance, weatherization, home energy crisis intervention, and more.


Assisting in the full spectrum of housing services, from emergency housing and rent assistance, to rehab and new single family home construction and many services in between

Children & Education

Providing a supportive learning environment that encourages children, families, staff and communities to thrive through Head Start and other educational programs


Providing instruction and training on spending and savings behaviors, reducing debt, and preparing taxes


Access to certified MNSure Navigators who are able to assist households in applying for health insurance via the MNSure system 


Coordinating and expanding transportation services to benefit those residents facing transportation barriers

Older Adults

Assisting adults 60 and over with various household needs.

Our Impact in 2023

Serving Traverse, Stevens, Douglas, Pope, and Grant county

Children in Head Start Preschool (Ages 3-5)
Households Assisted with Rent
Households that Utilized Energy Assistance
People Served with Free Tax Preparation Services
of Tax Returns Back Into Our Community

of Tax Returns Back Into Our Community

Our Business Partners