MNSure – One-Stop Shop
MNSure is a one-stop shop where households can compare and enroll in health insurance. West Central MN Communities Action can provide consumers assistance with figuring out their eligibility, completing their on-line application, assisting in choosing a plan through the MNSure Exchange, completing renewals and submitting changes to active applications. For an appointment with one of our MNSure Navigators, call 320-304-3458.
Open enrollment is a time for individuals who are eligible for Qualified Health Plans to complete or update their applications and to choose the plan that best meets the needs of their household.
Open enrollment for 2020 runs Friday November 1, 2019 through Monday December 23, 2019. You can enroll year-round if you qualify for a public health care program, are a member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or qualify for a Special Enrollment.