WCMCA receives donation from Great River Energy

April 24, 2020

West Central Minnesota Communities Action, Inc., is proud and honored to be the recipient of a most generous donation for $1,500. from Great River Energy.

These funds are designated for the continuing development of the Regional Transportation Coordinating Council (RTCC).

The Minnesota Departments of Transportation and Human Services, in collaboration with other state agencies, are working with the Metropolitan Council and other local governments and organizations to create Regional Transportation Coordinating Councils as appropriate throughout Minnesota.

Coordination between transportation providers and service agencies is a strategy that can help fill transportation gaps by providing more rides using the same or fewer resources, making transportation easier to use and giving customers more options of where and when to travel.

The agencies are providing support for creating a statewide framework of 8-10 Regional Transportation Coordinating Councils throughout Minnesota. The RTCCs will be responsible for coordinating transportation services through a network of existing public, private and non-profit transportation providers.

Great River Energy, based in Maple Grove, Minn., provides wholesale electric service to 28 distribution cooperatives, which distribute electricity to approximately 665,000 members across Minnesota.

Thank you for your support, Great River Energy!

To learn more about Great River Energy, please visit www.greatriverenergy.com